During his first term as circuit court judge, Judge Williams has strived to uphold his campaign promises to ensure equality before the law, treat everyone with respect, and protect citizens' constitutional rights. Below are examples of the community feedback and support Judge Williams has received showing he has kept his promises.     

Facebook Testimonial

"I rarely get involved with any sort of politics publicly - but I wholeheartedly support [Judge Williams]."

"His judgement and rulings felt like an angel intervening during one of the hardest court proceedings I could ever imagine facing in my life.  He showed humanity, fairness, and sensitivity in his ruling."

"Incredibly grateful to this person and respect his ability to perform the position and hold the title of honorable judge.  What a lovely human being."

- Christina Eve Gillis (post on February 13, 2024)

Harney County Judge Testimonial

"Judge Wes Williams has served Union and Wallowa Counties faithfully for the last five years. His intellect, judicial demeanor and faithfulness to the law are testaments to his quality as an excellent judge." 

- Robert S. Raschio, Presiding Judge, Harney and Grant Counties

Facebook Testimonial

"I had the pleasure of working for Wes as a side gig years ago when he was practicing law in La Grande."

"In getting to know Wes in the office environment, I learned what a caring and compassionate person he was for all sides involved.  He is very genuine and truly seems to understand how everyone involved must feel in situations."

"Vote Wes Willliams!"

- Risa Marie Frank (post on February 29, 2024)

Union Resident Testimonial

“We are very proud to support Judge Wes Williams for re-election. Judge Williams was our family’s lawyer. He helped our family, a fifth generation cattle ranch in Union, throughout the years as he has for so many others. His wisdom, guidance, and kindness were invaluable to us. It's no doubt that his interest in and appreciation of agriculture comes from his being raised on a farm. 

Overall, Judge Williams is a complete stand out because of his love of this community and respect for ALL the people of Eastern Oregon."

"We are so fortunate to have such a quality person as our judge now. Vote to re-elect Judge Williams!"

 - Cassie Miller, Miller Ranch

Elgin Resident Testimonial

“I am proud to support Judge Williams’ re-election. He has and he will continue to support our constitutional rights.”

 - Brock Eckstein, Elgin City Administrator

La Grande Resident Testimonial

"I am proud to support Judge Wes Williams for re-election. When I worked for the Department of Human Services as a child welfare permanency worker, I had many opportunities to observe Judge Williams interact with parties, witnesses, and attorneys in the courtroom. 

Judge Williams consistently demonstrated evenhandedness and thoughtfulness which are crucial traits for ensuring impartiality in the courtroom, particularly with child welfare cases. He has the unique ability to listen attentively to all parties; I never saw him distracted or looking at his computer while people were testifying. He ensures that every voice is heard and I felt his decisions were fair and equitable. 

His commitment to justice and his legal knowledge and expertise make him a respected authority in the courtroom."

"Judge Williams is an asset to our community and I look forward to his continued presence in the courtroom." 

 - Kaite Gekeler

La Grande Resident Testimonial

"I have observed Judge Williams in court and know he is committed to doing the right thing. He has a good demeanor for a judge – calm and patient, which makes the legal process a better experience for those who are nervous and stressed."

"He knows the law - criminal and civil. He is an excellent judge who deserves to be re-elected." 

 - Scott Whittington, retired La Grande police officer

Enterprise Resident Testimonial

"Judge Wes Williams was fair in the dealings my family had with him as a lawyer and a judge.  He is better than those we have had in the past.  We should be thankful for what we have, and re-elect him."

 - Monte Radford

La Grande Resident Testimonial

“I have known Judge Williams since he was a teacher. I knew him as a lawyer. And now I know him as a judge. I can assure you he is absolutely devoted to the principle of equality before the law.”

 - Tim Troutman

Google review of Union County Circuit Court

"This [is] a great new facility. Security was easy to get through, the officer was friendly. That’s

not what I’m here to review.

The judge I witnessed was Wes Williams. I was not involved in any case here, I was purely there

to observe. Judge Williams was probably the most empathetic and fair judge I’ve ever

encountered in a circuit court of this style. He struck an excellent balance between taking the

words of his DA and the defense attorneys, and his own experiences with the law to make his

decisions. He gave every defendant full due process, almost to the point of exhaustion, and

showed no bias towards any particular side during the time I viewed him at work. After one

case, he went off the record to ask some questions to a defendant who had a very favorable

outcome to a case, and showed a very human side without being unprofessional."

"We need more circuit court judges like this in the state of Oregon."

- Chris Gann

La Grande Observer

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: January 16, 2024

A lack of judicial temperament [on the part of Judge Williams' opponent]

As a former member of the Judicial Fitness and Disability Commission that oversees the ethical conduct of judges, I want to correct a misconception created by Jared Boyd. Contrary to his claim, Judge Wes Williams’ campaign committee correctly interpreted and followed the judicial code.

Rule 5.1 of the Code prohibits a judicial candidate from “personally soliciting or accepting campaign contributions other than through a lawfully established campaign committee.” While this rule does not explicitly prohibit informing a candidate about who contributed to his campaign, the Judicial Conduct Committee has advised that doing so “would certainly violate the spirit” of Rule 5.1. Only the candidate’s committee is permitted to solicit and accept contributions, and the committee is expected to shield the candidate from specific knowledge about the source of donations to his campaign.

Mr. Boyd’s actions – jumping to conclusions and making public accusations without adequately researching and understanding the law suggest to me that he lacks judicial temperament.

Lois Barry, La Grande

La Grande Observer

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: December 12, 2023

Donations to judicial campaign show support

and community trust

When judicial candidates accept campaign contributions from their constituents, it shows a connection to the community; it is commonplace, ethical, and a legal right as citizens of our district. In the last local judicial election in 2018, both candidates, Wes Williams and Mona Williams, accepted donations. Doing so is not untoward, as suggested by Jared Boyd in a recent news article. Rather, these donations show support and trust from a community that believes the candidate will apply the community’s values if elected.

A judge is not beholden to anyone if their campaign accepts donations from community members. Most citizens are fortunate to never have to go to court or be before a judge, and their donations are simply a way to have a voice in the leadership roles in our community.

Furthermore, judicial candidates do not know who donates to their campaigns. The judicial code of conduct requires the candidate not solicit nor be notified of contributions. Although accidental and incidental knowledge of donations will occasionally happen and are not unethical, Judge Williams and his campaign committee take this requirement very seriously now and when he ran in 2018.

Judge Williams’ campaign proudly and humbly accepts contributions from the citizens of Union and Wallowa counties as well as from his family. Donate to a campaign or not, it is the voter’s right to choose, and it has nothing to do with how judges make their legal rulings.

Judge Williams will continue to uphold his campaign promises to ensure equality before the law, treat all people with respect, and protect our constitutional rights.

Anna Stever, Citizens to Re-Elect Judge Wes Williams

La Grande Observer

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: October 3, 2023

Judge Williams' work ethic is beyond reproach.

I was an elected Circuit Court Judge in Umatilla and Morrow counties for 18 years. I was also the Presiding Judge for four years. I have known Judge Wes Williams for 25 years, both as an attorney and a judge. I read Jared Boyd's press release and would like to correct an inaccuracy. Mr. Boyd claims he is the only candidate who can "handle a full load of cases and work full time:' This is not accurate.

Judge Williams is able to handle more than a full load of cases, and he does work full time. I know from my judicial experience that for various reasons judges are not able to handle 100% of the cases filed in their jurisdiction. Judge Williams is one of two judges that serve Union and Wallowa counties. A full-time caseload would involve handling 50% of all cases filed Based upon the Oregon Judicial Department's most recent statistics, Judge Williams can handle approximately 70% of the cases filed in Union County in 2022. Therefore, he can handle more than a full-time caseload.

Judge Williams also serves Wallowa County. The Oregon Judicial Department's statistics for 2022 show that Judge Williams can handle approximately 75% of all cases filed in Wallowa County. Therefore, Judge Williams can handle more than a full-time caseload in Wallowa County as well.

It concerns me that Mr. Boyd has incorrectly represented Judge Williams' workload. Moreover, Judge Williams' strong work ethic is beyond reproach.

He would willingly handle more than his share, if given the opportunity. You elected Judge Williams. I urge you to reelect Judge Williams in 2024.

Jeff Wallace, Retired Circuit Court Judge, Umatilla and Morrow Counties

Letters to the Editor supporting Judge Williams in 2018:

La Grande Observer
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: October 8, 2018

Former Judge Mendiguren: Wes Williams has the proper temperament

To the Editor:

I am writing this letter to support Wes Williams for the position of circuit judge for the 10th Judicial District of Oregon for Union and Wallowa counties.

As a former circuit court judge, I have come across all types of attorneys, none more capable than Wes Williams. I always appreciated the way he addressed the court, my court staff, all attorneys, clients and opposing parties and witnesses.

Wes Williams is definitely the best qualified person running for this position. Wes has the proper temperament for the job. He can and will listen to all sides and render his decision on the law based on the facts before him.

I will vote for Wes Williams for the Circuit Court Judge for the 10th Judicial District. I ask that you investigate both candidates and then decide for yourself. If you do investigate, I am sure you will agree and cast your vote for Wes Williams for Circuit Judge for the 10th Judicial District.

Phillip A. Mendiguren

Retired circuit court judge for Union and Wallowa County
La Grande Observer
Birnbaum: Wes Williams has right qualities to be judge

To the Editor:

I support Wes Williams for circuit court judge.

I have known Mr. Williams for almost 25 years, since he first came to Eastern Oregon to practice law. Our contact has been primarily professional, since I was then the Administrator of the Indigent Defense Consortium for Union and Wallowa Counties and later the Union County District Attorney. Wes and I faced each other in a number of trials, so I’ve had lots of 
opportunity to observe him.

Wes has a set of qualities that really suit him to be judge. He works hard and is always prepared, arrives early and leaves late. He has a deep love for the law and for ethical standards. Most important, he is a true gentleman. He treats everyone with respect — not only judges and lawyers and court staff, but also his opponent’s witnesses, even those who look as though they haven’t bathed.

I believe those traits are part of his character, and I’m confident he’ll carry them with him when he’s elected. Wes Williams is uniquely qualified to be a circuit court judge in Eastern Oregon.

Martin J. Birnbaum

Retired Union County 
District Attorney

La Grande Observer

Cimon: ‘Justice for All’ is Wes Williams’ motivating principle

To the Editor:

I am writing to endorse Attorney Wes Williams as a candidate for Union and Wallowa Counties Circuit Court Judge seat. Over the past 20 years Wes has practiced law for clients in La Grande and our Eastern Oregon communities. He and his wife, Jen, are raising two children and on occasions when I have been out to lunch with Wes, people from all parts of our rural communities have approached and shaken his hand. The warmth was palpable.

My husband, Norm, and I were foster parents for over a decade. At times, one of the frustrating things in our judicial system was the inability of a judge to utilize empathy and flexibility in assessing justice — a flexibility that could help promote real change for a person or a family while also imposing justice. Conversations about the foster care 
system made me realize that Wes Williams has a fire for protecting children and the insight to help promote change in the application of law. He fundamentally believes and respects that everyone has the right to liberty and due justice.

Some years back, I bumped into Wes and Jen, quietly celebrating a victory on a federal case that had taken Wes about eight years to successfully bring to closure. He tenaciously continued pursuit of 
justice, even though the client had unfortunately passed away. That client’s estate would have the satisfaction of a wrong righted. I was deeply impressed.

This is, for me, a clear window into how Wes Williams sees himself, his role as attorney and his obligation to seek justice for the rights of everyone. It is evident that “Justice for All” is a motivating principle for how Wes views his practice of law. It is also a testimony to his moral backbone. I believe him when he says everyone has the right to fair representation and due justice.

Vote for Wes Williams for circuit court judge. He has my vote.

Shelley Cimon

La Grande

"I am a retired police officer, having served the law enforcement community in Oregon for 32 years. 

Over my career, I worked with many prosecutors and defense attorneys. I have also testified in front of a number of judges.

Although Wes Williams has never represented me, I have known him for many years. I have great respect for his thoughtful and balanced legal positions and his personal integrity which is why I would like you to join me in voting Wes Williams for judge.

                     Tim McCarthy, Retired Police Officer (La Grande)

La Grande Observer

Purnell and Adams: Wes Williams will find workable solutions

To the Editor:

We support Wes Williams for circuit court judge.

We have known Wes through many years of collaboration, especially during Sandra’s experience as a family law attorney, mediator and chair of the Family Law Advisory Committees in both counties. In that capacity, she interacted extensively with the other attorneys and the judges. She gained a deep appreciation for the personal and intellectual qualities that result in “judicial temperament.” In our opinion, a judge should be calm, methodical, scrupulous, compassionate and open-minded. These qualities reflect personality, experience and education.

In our interactions, Wes 
exhibited the qualities necessary in an effective judicial officer. He was well-informed on the law. He showed a genuine concern for finding workable solutions for clients’ problems and not making their situation worse through endless wrangling. He was willing to hear out another point of view.

Wes’ broad experience, good relations with other members of the bar and excellent temperament make him extremely well-qualified to serve as circuit court judge in Union and Wallowa counties. We would be very fortunate to have a judge of his caliber.

This November presents a rare chance to make a real difference in the quality of our local bench. We endorse Wes with enthusiasm and hope that you will concur and vote for Wes Williams in November.

Sandra Purnell and Stephen Adams

La Grande Observer

Gillis: Wes Williams is best candidate for critical office

To the Editor:

I support the candidacy of Wes Williams for the judgeship of the 10th Judicial District encompassing Union and Wallowa counties. I have known Wes as a colleague and neighbor for 20 years. In that period I have seen him weather good times and bad, family tragedies and difficult, demanding cases.

One particular episode stands out that demonstrates why Wes Williams is the best candidate for this critical office. Wes, with the assistance of the late Milo Pope, defended a Union county man charged with more than 40 felony counts. Given the number and complexity of the charges, a special prosecutor from Salem was brought in by the state. The client ran out of funds to pay for his defense long before trial.

Wes tackled the case with focus, intelligent delegation of tasks, and an enormous capacity for hard work. The trial was a weeklong ordeal, but Wes was able to juggle the demands of preparing for each day’s trial, keeping his client’s spirits up and running the non-stop demands of the remainder of his busy law practice. The case concluded with not guilty verdicts on every charge, an incredible victory against enormous odds.

Wes Williams doesn’t give up. He doesn’t hesitate to do the right thing even at risk to his own financial position, and he can be convinced to change his position if a persuasive, fact-based argument is presented to him. Wes Williams will bring integrity, vast legal experience and work habits bred of an upbringing on an Oregon farm to the position of judge of the 10th Judicial District. I am proud to support his candidacy.

Charlie Gillis

Attorney at Law

La Grande

“I was born and raised in Eastern Oregon and I have been a business owner, a builder, a teacher at La Grande High School, and I raised my family in this community. 

As a citizen with deep roots in this community, I will be voting Wes Williams for Circuit Court Judge in both Union and Wallowa Counties.  

In the fifty years I have been a resident of Union County, I have never met a better attorney than Wes Williams. Wes is both knowledgeable and fair which is why I would like you to join me in voting Wes Williams for Judge.”

    Fred Bell, business owner and former teacher (Island City)

La Grande Observer

Troutman: Hard work, respect and thoughtfulness will make Wes Williams outstanding judge

To the Editor:

I support Wes Williams for circuit court judge.

I have known Wes for more than 30 years, going back to the time when we were both teaching at Sandy High School and living on the flanks of Mount Hood. Wes was an extremely accomplished teacher who taught U.S. history and was the Mock Trial coach. On many occasions when I had a free period I would drop in on Mr. Williams’ class to observe and in doing so learn from a great teacher. Wes was a master teacher in all respects, but most impressive to me was the respect he showed all his students and how that respect was given back to him.

Wes left teaching and became an attorney, practicing law in La Grande for the past 25 years. The same traits that Wes developed as a teacher are evident in his law practice. His hard work and preparation, his respectful treatment of all people, his fairness and thoughtfulness, these qualities make up the bedrock of Wes Williams’ character and will serve to make Wes an outstanding circuit court judge.

Tim Troutman

Retired Elgin social studies teacher

La Grande

La Grande Observer
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: October 8, 2018

Collier: Then and now, Wes Williams embodies admirable qualities

To the Editor:

l am writing today to endorse my college pal for consideration to the post of circuit court judge in the nearing election.

When you consider attributes for selection for a critical position such as this, I’d like to suggest Wes’ past performance, as a high school teacher straight out of college in the mid-1980s, as a qualitative attribute. Wes Williams so inspired his students that he was chosen among the entire teaching cadre of Sandy High School as “Mentor to Teachers” two years in a row. He then chose another calling and wanted to serve as trial attorney.

How telling is it, then, that a recent college graduate was so motivated to train our younger generation that he was chosen to mentor other teachers, who would then also inspire their pupils?

Wes Williams has been an inspiration and motivator of fellow Oregonians his entire life. As a student of criminal justice at Southern Oregon University, he was an inspiration to me to do my best and work my hardest, and challenged me at every turn. Because of Wes, whether on the tennis court or classroom, nothing but hard work would be my goal each day, every day.

I cannot think of a more qualified, more humble and deserving candidate for the position of circuit court judge. I know of no one in my entire adult life who works harder, puts in longer hours and is committed to the rule of law and judicial fairness than Wes Williams — my best friend since 1983.

Mark Collier

LT USCG (Ret.)

Grants Pass

"I was born and raised in Union County and I would like you to join me in casting your vote for Wes Williams as Circuit Court Judge!

I do not believe any candidate can top Wes for his integrity, his compassion for others, and his willingness to hold others to the same high standards of accountability that he maintains for himself. 

Wes is committed to the values and rights of local citizens. This commitment and his extensive legal experience will serve him well as Judge. Vote Wes Williams for Judge!"

                                                             Gary Lillard (La Grande)

La Grande Observer

Morrison: Most capable and qualified candidate

I have practiced law for nearly 30 years, and have lived in La Grande since 2000.

I met Wes Williams within months of coming to this community and have known him for close to 20 years. During that time, Wes has helped me with difficult aspects of my own cases, and I have had the opportunity to observe Wes in court during some of his most challenging and difficult trials.

I am supporting Wes for judge in Union and Wallowa counties because I believe he is the most capable and qualified candidate for that position.

Our judicial district’s two judges must be able to handle both civil and criminal cases, which have very different rules and procedures, and different subject matters.

In his decades of practice, Wes has gained extensive experience in both areas, giving him a broad understanding of the law that a judge needs to know. His experience will enable him to hit the ground running, and to immediately handle both kinds of cases knowledgeably and efficiently.

Wes is committed to treating people fairly. I believe that if he is elected, he will treat the people who appear in his courtroom with respect, and without regard to family heritage, income level, or status in the community.

For all of these reasons, I urge you to vote for Wes Williams. He is the most qualified candidate, and will provide our counties with the best and fairest judge.

Anne Morrison

Attorney at Law

La Grande

"I'd like to encourage you to vote for Wes Williams for Judge. I know Wes both as a friend and as a lawyer. He truly cares about people and would be an excellent judge for Eastern Oregon."

           Beth Huntington, Kindergarten Teacher (Union)

La Grande Observer

Goldstein: Wes Williams will go the extra mile

To the Editor:

I’m writing to support Wes Williams’ candidacy for judge. Wes has been a practicing 
attorney in Union and Wallowa counties for the past 22 years, and from his first case to the present he has established a reputation as an attorney who goes the extra mile for his clients. Wes respects the law, due process and values the idea that every individual should have access to a fair and just hearing, regardless of their ability to pay. It is for these reasons he has invoked the central theme of the Pledge of Allegiance, “Liberty and Justice for All,” as his campaign slogan, and why I urge you to strongly support his candidacy.

Joel Goldstein

La Grande

La Grande Observer

Barry: Wes Williams could be a venerable judge in the tradition of Judge Brownton

To the Editor:

Wes Williams will be an exemplary judge. He’s worked with every aspect of the law, representing farmers, ranchers, loggers, teachers and small business owners.

He knows how anxious plaintiffs and defendants are about appearing in court to testify about issues that will dramatically affect their lives. I’m confident that Wes will always be courteous and informed.

He’s committed to providing a safe, fair courtroom experience for every individual.

When I served on the Governor’s Judicial Fitness and Disability Commission, I read many complaints about inappropriate courtroom behavior. Judges were reported as rude, unprepared and prejudiced. In the past, I’ve seen these regrettable behaviors in our local courtrooms. Of course, I was not the only one who witnessed and discussed them. Fortunately the local situation has improved. Judge Tom Powers is a respected jurist. He and Wes Williams will constitute an admirable judiciary for the 10th District Court.

Over the years, I’ve enjoyed discussing many aspects of the law with Wes. I appreciate his passionate interest in the law as well as his commitment to the human cost of laws ignored, misunderstood or misapplied. I believe he will see serving as judge not so much as a personal honor but as a profound responsibility.

When my family first moved to La Grande, Wes Brownton, recently retired judge, was still mentioned with affection and respect. In addition to his colorful personality, he was memorable for his wisdom, patience and dignity.

I can think of only one long-serving judge since then who has come close to earning that degree of admiration. It’s time we had another, a judge who is a respected member of the community, who has an established record of competence and impartiality.

I can envision Wes Williams becoming a venerable judge in the Wes Brownton tradition. Judge Brownton must have anticipated this day; he willed his law library to the young Wes Williams

Lois Barry

La Grande
La Grande Observer

Lillard: Wes Williams is strongly committed to values and rights of local citizens

To the Editor:

With the November elections coming soon, there are a number of important decisions to be made, including who will be Circuit Court Judge for Union and Wallowa Counties.

I encourage voters to strongly consider Wes Williams for circuit court judge. He has maintained a law practice in La Grande for many years, and I have known him for at least the past eight or nine of those years. His competence and attention to detail is without parallel. He has represented citizens in several different legal venues, up to and including the Oregon Supreme Court. Additionally, he has a wide range of experience in the legal arena including personal representation, business law, real estate, wills and other civil documents. Wes is strongly committed to the values and rights of local citizens, and his knowledge and experience will serve him well as circuit court judge.

I do not believe any candidate can top Wes for his integrity, his compassion and his willingness to hold others to the same high standards of accountability he maintains for himself. Again, a wonderful combination of attributes to have in a circuit court judge.

Please join me in casting your vote for Wes Williams as Union and Wallowa County Circuit Court Judge.

Gary Lillard

La Grande

"I am voting for Wes Williams for Judge. I cannot think of a better person for the job. I have complete trust and confidence in Wes."

Julie Fitzgerald Bodfish, 
Fitzgerald Flowers Proprietor (La Grande)

La Grande Observer

Lepper: Wes Williams will see clearly and judge wisely

To the Editor:

I am writing to support Wes Williams for judge in the upcoming Nov. 6 

Wes has helped me and many others. We worked together for seven years. In that time I realized how important the position of judge is. Any of us could find ourselves in front of the judge, and what we want for ourselves, our family members and our friends is a person knowledgeable about the law and our constitutional rights and who possesses wisdom for a fair consequence.

I remember my brother Tom saying, “Kath, if you have any legal questions, stop Wes Williams out of the office and he will answer your questions without a fee.” I found this to be true. Wes is always willing to take a few minutes to clear up a question, to share his knowledge. So now is your time to stop Wes, chat, ask questions. Check out his Facebook page.

Judge is such an important position. With the drop of the gavel, what is done is done. Let’s put the gavel in the hand of a man who has the background to see clearly and judge wisely. I encourage you to vote Wes Williams on Nov. 6.

Kathy Lepper

La Grande

"Wes is absolutely fair. He will not choose sides, he will listen impartially and accurately to the data, and be guided by them, not any preconceived notions. 

He's exactly who we need as a judge in OR 10th District, and it's why he has my support"

               Dr. John Rinehart, EOU Professor (La Grande)

La Grande Observer

Welch: Wes Williams believes in honesty, fairness and equal

To the Editor:

I support Wes Williams as a judicial candidate because he has real ethics and exhibits exceptional understanding, not only of the law but of the human condition itself. Wes is a man of high integrity and unwavering compassion, who makes himself available to the people he serves.

I first came to know Wes many years ago when my husband and I enlisted his services as an attorney. In that capacity, we found him to be knowledgeable, courageous and committed to understanding our needs and doing the very best he could for us. He was a strong ally, who always treated us with great care and courtesy.

In the years since that time, my family has continued to rely on Wes as an attorney, and from that relationship we quickly came to regard him as a trusted friend. Through the years, we have had many occasions to see how readily he comes to the aid of those in need and how deeply he cares for his fellow men and women.

I have no doubt Wes will be an exemplary judge. He believes in honesty, fairness and equality and in serving people — all people — to the best of his ability. I can think of no better qualifications for the position of judge, and I can think of no one I would more wholeheartedly endorse.

Judith Welch

La Grande
La Grande Observer

Hunt: Wes Williams is a judicial candidate who knows the law

To the Editor:

As a psychiatric nurse practitioner in Northeast Oregon since 1991, I have testified as an expert 
witness in court numerous times. The courtroom can feel like a hostile environment but I believed I could rely on the honesty and integrity of lawyers and judges, assuming that said professionals operate within the law. I had assumed that honesty and justice would prevail.

In two criminal cases, defendants were charged with several felonies that could have resulted in substantial prison time. Neither could 
afford a jury trial. In both cases the district attorney offered a plea agreement in which the defendants agreed not to enter any part of Wallowa County for the duration of their probation (three years in one case). They were unable to even gather personal belongings. Both cases ended with divorce and financial ruin. It is my understanding that this method of “justice” has been used numerous times.

I learned Wes Williams was running for circuit court judge and met with him to share this and other concerns. Wes told me, and gave me examples, that this practice is not legal. As far back as 1987 (State vs. Ferrre) and as recently as 2011 (State vs. Donahue), this practice was struck down. It is quite likely a violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution. Wes wrote a draft to the court concerning this practice for one of his private clients and he prevailed. Mr. Williams is a judicial candidate who knows the law.

I am extremely concerned about the divide between law enforcement and citizens. The best way I know to bridge this gap is for people to have greater faith in the legal system and their ability to be heard and treated fairly. I am absolutely convinced Wes Williams is our best and most immediate step in that direction. He is approachable, knowledgeable and honest.

Both candidates for circuit court judge for Union and Wallowa counties have the last name of Williams. I will mark my ballot for WES Williams and encourage you to do the same.

Russel A. Hunt


La Grande Observer
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: October 10, 2018

Lackey: Wes Williams would be a committed and dedicated judge

To the Editor:

I have known and worked with Wes Williams over the past few years in various capacities. I know him to be a skilled legal counselor. His judgment with issues before him is honest and fair. His greatest attributes are his knowledge of law and of the legal system and his personal attention to detail. He is totally committed to his practice and would be a committed and dedicated judge to serve our communities.

I fully endorse Wes Williams for the position of circuit court judge.

John Lackey

La Grande

La Grande Observer
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: October 8, 2018

Mann: Wes Williams has sorely needed perspective

To the Editor:

Vote for Wes Williams for circuit court judge on Nov. 6. His diverse background (ranging from agriculture to education) gives him a perspective sorely needed in our justice system today. I have known Wes for 14 years. My observations are based on my personal experience with him.

Wes is a proven champion of the underdog. He leaves no stone unturned in discovering the truth. He is ethical, humble, diligent and an asset to our community. His years of legal expertise in case law and constitutional rights will ensure a fair trial for all our citizens. His respect for all individuals regardless of their social status is evident in his courtroom dealings.

Please join me in casting your vote for Wes Williams for circuit court judge.

Iris Mann


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